Porta dos Fundos: Contrato Vitalício 2016 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Two friends, filmmaker Miguel and actor Rodrigo, win the grand prize of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. After drinking too much, Rodrigo signs a lifetime contract to star in Miguel's next film. Miguel mysteriously disappears and comes back ten years later proposing to make a delirious film retelling his adventure in the years he'd been gone. Rodrigo is already famous and fears risking his career, but he has no alternative but to comply..

Réalisée par: Paramount , Telecine
Actors: Fábio PorchatGregório Duvivier , Gregório Duvivier, Thati Lopes, Luís Lobianco, Antonio Tabet, João Vicente de Castro, Marcos Veras, Júlia Rabello, Gabriel Totoro, Rafael Portugal, Xuxa, Marília Gabriela, Sérgio Mallandro, Victor Leal, Camillo Borges, Gustavo Chagas
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
4.059 68 2016-06-30 107

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