In deiner Haut 2008 enstreamingvf

Déscription:A shimmering summer story set in a summer house on the Baltic coast. Sixteen-year-old Suse feels like a gooseberry next to her young mother and her new boyfriend and begins to shut herself away more and more. The situation comes to a head when, feeling thoroughly depressed, she returns to their holiday home one night where she is obliged to listen to her mother and Erik cavorting loudly in the bedroom. Then Suse comes up with an idea as to how to turn things around in her favour….

Réalisée par: Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen 'Konrad Wolf'
Actors: Kim SchnitzerMargrit Sartorius , Margrit Sartorius, Olaf Rauschenbach
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5 1 2008-02-14 23

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