Murder by the Book 1987 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Mild-mannered mystery writer D. H. Mercer has become so immersed in his material that his creation, hard-boiled private eye Biff Deegan, constantly appears to him as a hallucination. Intent on getting rid of Biff, and replacing him with a more civilized detective, Mercer soon finds himself in a genuine mystery involving art fraud, murder, and a beautiful lady in peril..

Réalisée par: Orion Television , Peter Nelson Production
Actors: Robert HaysCatherine Mary Stewart , Catherine Mary Stewart, Christopher Murney, Fred Gwynne, Celeste Holm, Jonathan Moore, Martin Neufeld, Michael Copeman, Bunty Webb, Eric Keenleyside, Robin Ward, Eric Fink, Thick Wilson, Al Bernardo, Louis Di Bianco, Marc Gomes
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6 5 1987-03-17 100

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