Glaadiator 2002 enstreamingvf

Déscription:After waging a lifelong battle to rid the earth of Homosexuals, Roman Emperor Marcus Aereolus has an epiphany on his deathbed. He tells his most trusted General, Maxipadimus, to return to Rome and undo his wrongs - To make Rome safe for Gays. However, upon Maxipadimus' return to Rome, he finds that the Emperor's evil, homophobic son, EMINEMUS, has taken power and will fight to the death to keep it! In a triumphant climax, Maxipadimus destroys the homophobes and embarks Rome into an Era of sexual liberation..

Réalisée par: Comfusion Films
Actors: Robert SteinmanJohn Bocchicchio , John Bocchicchio, Robin Atkin Downes, Tim Hudson
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
8 1 2002-08-10 22

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