Death on a Rainy Day 1967 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Two French agents fight a Chinese sect that aims to control the American Secretary of Defence via high-tech medicine, so that he would start a world war..

Réalisée par: Producciones Cinematográficas Centro S.A. (PROCENSA) , Ticino Films
Actors: Adrian HovenGérard Landry , Gérard Landry, Barth Warren, Teresa del Río, Claudia Gravy, Lilia Neyung, Karin Feddersen, George Wang, Josyane Gibert, Wolfgang Preiss, Manuel Escalera, Roberto Llamas, Robert McNamara
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5 1 1967-09-29 99

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