Spooked 2004 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Spooked is a contemporary conspiracy thriller arising from the mysterious death of Kevin Jones, who thought he was just buying second-hand computers, until he looked at the data left on the discs. Was kevin murdered or did he simply get drunk and crash his car? Investigating journalist Mort Whitman says he will find out, even if it kills him. The film is based on material from the book 'The Paradise Conspiracy' by Ian Wishart..

Réalisée par: Ora digital , Silverscreen Films
Actors: Cliff CurtisChristopher Hobbs , Christopher Hobbs, John Leigh, Kelly Johnson, Ian Mune, Kevin J. Wilson, Greg Johnson, Mark Ferguson, Alison Bruce, Raybon Kan, Miriama Smith, Mark Nua, Paul Barrett
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6 1 2004-10-31 93

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