Resurrection 1958 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Young Prince Nechljudov is summoned as a judge in a murder trial. A rich merchant was found dead in the room of the inn where he was staying and the prostitute Maslova was accused of the crime. Nechljudov recognizes in the woman the maid of the aunts he had seduced and abandoned years before and tries to convince the authorities of her of his innocence but to no avail. Convinced that he is responsible for her moral fall, he follows her to Siberia where she must serve her sentence..

Réalisée par: Rizzoli Film , Francinex
Actors: Horst BuchholzMyriam Bru , Myriam Bru, Ruth Niehaus, Edith Mill, Lea Massari, Günther Lüders, Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Lina Carstens, Marisa Merlini, Gabrielle Dorziat, Jean Murat, Robert Freitag, Rudolf Rhomberg, Ado Riegler, Karl Lieffen
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6 1 1958-10-21 105

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