Present Laughter 1981 enstreamingvf

Déscription:Often regarded as semi-autobiographical, Present Laughter follows a few days in the life of successful and self-obsessed actor Garry Essendine as he prepares to travel for a touring commitment. Amid a series of events bordering on farce, Garry must deal with interruptions including the numerous women who want to seduce him, placating his long-suffering secretary Monica Reed, avoiding his estranged wife Liz Essendine, being confronted by a crazed young playwright, and overcoming his fear of his own approacing fortieth birthday and impending mid-life crisis..

Réalisée par: BBC
Actors: Donald SindenDinah Sheridan , Dinah Sheridan, Gwen Watford, Elizabeth Counsell, Julian Fellowes, Belinda Lang, Colin Spaull
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
0 0 1981-12-16 147

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