Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding! 1967 enstreamingvf

Déscription:In this comedy, an aspiring singer finds herself single and pregnant. The story begins when she is rushed to the hospital to give birth. She is joined by three men; all of them want to marry her. The story of her pregnancy and her rise to stardom are told in flashback..

Réalisée par: Trident Films
Actors: Sandra DeeGeorge Hamilton , George Hamilton, Celeste Holm, Bill Bixby, Dwayne Hickman, Dick Kallman, Mort Sahl, Robert Gibbons, Allen Jenkins, Med Flory, Scott White, Donald Mitchell, Nichelle Nichols, Charlotte Stewart, Allison McKay, Jon Lormer
Countrys: UnitedStates

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5 1 1967-05-10 94

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